9 War

NOTE: For close-up of condition, double-click the image
Link to  Republique FrancaiseFrance, C. 1914  Product
Republique Francaise Product Link
France, C. 1914
17 x 22 in (42 x 56 cm)
Link to  Consignes sanitáries del miliciá. Vacuna't contra la verola i la febre tifoide. / Miliciá! Escolta les consignes sanitáries del consell de sanitat de guerra i segueix-lesCatalonia, 1968  Product
Consignes sanitáries del miliciá. Vacuna't contra la verola i la febre tifoide. / Miliciá! Escolta les consignes sanitáries del consell de sanitat de guerra i segueix-les Product Link
Catalonia, 1968
17 x 25 in (43 x 64 cm)
Link to  Newsmap Industrial Edition "Soviets Enter Berlin"USA, C. 1945  Product
Newsmap Industrial Edition "Soviets Enter Berlin" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)
Link to  Newsmap Industrial Edition "The War Fronts"USA, C. 1945  Product
Newsmap Industrial Edition "The War Fronts" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)
Link to  Newsmap Industrial Edition "The Rhine"USA, C. 1945  Product
Newsmap Industrial Edition "The Rhine" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)
Link to  Newsmap Industrial Edition "Pacific Battleground"USA, C. 1945  Product
Newsmap Industrial Edition "Pacific Battleground" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)
Link to  Newsmap Industrial Edition "8 Years of War in China"USA, C. 1945  Product
Newsmap Industrial Edition "8 Years of War in China" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)
Link to  Newsmap Industrial Edition "China Burma"USA, C. 1945  Product
Newsmap Industrial Edition "China Burma" Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)
Link to  Landing CraftUSA, C. 1945  Product
Landing Craft Product Link
USA, C. 1945
35 x 47 in (89 x 119 cm)